Have you ever woken up in the morning only to smash that snooze button and close your eyes, all while thinking about the tasks you have today ahead of you? (whenever you decide to emerge from the covers, that is HAHA!) I am sure this happens to most of us more days than not. I know it’s not the last time for me.
However, one morning, and with the inspiration of Aubrey Marcus, I began to think about this question a bit deeper.
For instance, the chores, errands, jobs, and responsibilities overshadow the why we should wake up every morning.
“Elephants are not alive to build monuments or sue a Giraffe…”
We as humans, just like any other living and breathing organism out there, awake from our slumber each and every day for the sole opportunity to live, breath more breathes, and experience. Elephants are not alive to build monuments or sue a Giraffe Restaurant for slipping on their mainland property.
They are alive to simply breathe and experience the present moment, however long that moment may last.
Life is not getting any longer for us, therefore, the time spent aligning our lives with objectives highly influenced by others detracts from the time in which we can align our lives with true interests of our own. Each day we face decisions about how we should move forward. I’m not sure about you, but I have made decisions based on the logic of others many times.
For example, I feel that much of our culture is structured to prepare ourselves to reach a point. A point in which we cannot live anymore. Think about it, we prepare at a young age to intellectually challenge ourselves in order to potentially receive a job that will provide us with financial stability until we “retire”, but at that point, life is 80% concluded and the 80% of mornings you experienced in the past hoping to live is now secluded to a mere 20% left.
“Do I listen to everyone else or myself?”
So, let me ask another question after describing my thoughts above. When you wake up every morning, what is it that you want life to give to you? Because in essence, that is why we are here, to experience living and breathing plain vanilla swap simple.
The stresses of life will always exist. Whether it’s to finish an expense report or deliver pizzas to afford a vehicle to continue to delivering pizzas in, we are left with the simplistic image of whatever it is you are thinking about right now possibly.
This could be experiencing a different culture on this planet that lives quite differently than ours. Or, maybe you want to feel your lungs be oxygen deficient as you scope the landscape from an elevated mountaintop.
In other words, structure your day around what you want life to give you, not the other way around. Not what you could perform in this life to benefit the success of others. After all, a time will come when even a CEO will not wake up wondering what life can offer.
I truly believe that the outcome of our days could be affected (positively, negatively, and of course, both) by the way we perceive them. Therefore, how we perceive today will affect how we perceive tomorrow based on the way we choose to live today from our perception! Do I even make sense? I think I do, but feel free to paste your thoughts below.